Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Yesterday me, my mum and Bobby went for a walk around the lake.  We took water bottles with us.  My water bottle was pink, my cousin's one was blue and my mum  had a green water bottle. We drove to the lake and when we got there we had a big run around and then we started walking around the lake. We went to see Bobby's stick man she made and left there on Saturday, her stick mans name is Delta after the Delta Virus Strain, we took some photo's with Delta. Then we started walking again an me and Bobby were pretending to be cars.  When we were close to the end of our walk we had a race. I got to have a 3 steps forward head-start and me and Bobby had a draw.  After that we hopped in the car and went home.          



  1. Awesome Emma, looks like you were having a great time of your walk. I love walking around Lake Ngatu, it is very therapeutic. I like Bobby's stickman, Delta! I will have to keep an eye out for it next time I go for a walk.

  2. hi i love that cake that you maed
