Monday, August 30, 2021

Making banana choc chip cupcakes/muffins 

Last Friday me and my mum Made some cupcakes. They were Banana chocolate chip cupcakes. I did all the mixing and my mum did all the other important stuff And my mum did Muffins and cupcakes. The  cupcakes and muffins were very yummy and soft They also looked very yummy And tasty. Everybody got one.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Yesterday me, my mum and Bobby went for a walk around the lake.  We took water bottles with us.  My water bottle was pink, my cousin's one was blue and my mum  had a green water bottle. We drove to the lake and when we got there we had a big run around and then we started walking around the lake. We went to see Bobby's stick man she made and left there on Saturday, her stick mans name is Delta after the Delta Virus Strain, we took some photo's with Delta. Then we started walking again an me and Bobby were pretending to be cars.  When we were close to the end of our walk we had a race. I got to have a 3 steps forward head-start and me and Bobby had a draw.  After that we hopped in the car and went home.          


Friday, August 13, 2021

Raranga matihiko day 1

on waitangi day me and my friends went on a humongous bus and it took for ages to get to waitangi. when we got to waitangi we got to have a stretch and some morning tea and go toilet. Next Whaea karen took us to a room to do some activities like some colouring and some other fun stuff. after doing the activities half of the class got to go on a walk and the other half got to do the activities then we switched. i liked the activities the most because we got to do virtual reality and when we hopped on the bus we went back to school


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Iron Tamariki

 We are learning to complete word finds using keywords from a text we read.